Our Approach

We adopt an exploratory approach to analysis, avoiding adherence to a singular generic design.
Instead, we customise our approach, selecting suitable methods that align with the specific task and subject area in question. Our methodology encompasses a blend of approaches, integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods. This involves employing an array of tools including individual and focus group interviews, fieldwork, hypothesis workshops, questionnaires, data mapping, among others.

1. Organisational Analysis

Organisational analyses are conducted to illuminate various aspects within an organisation and unveil the fundamental driving forces behind them. These analyses may target specific issues for which the organisation seeks to identify root causes or aim to instigate transformative change. Throughout this process, potential opportunities and obstacles hindering the resolution of issues or the desired organisational transformation are identified.

At the core of an organisational analysis lies the examination of the organisation's processes, structures, unwritten norms and rules, behaviour, action patterns, logics, and truths. Depending on the analysis's subject area, we utilise a range of qualitative and quantitative methods to discern the underlying factors contributing to these dynamics.

When conducting organisational analyses, our primary objective remains consistently focused on uncovering, designing, and implementing solutions that effectively address the organisation's challenges and facilitate the desired changes.

2. Evaluations and Assessments

We have conducted numerous evaluations across both the public and private sectors. Evaluations typically aim to examine a particular initiative or project during its execution and upon completion to measure its contribution toward achieving the intended outcomes. These evaluations are often undertaken in projects with political objectives.

The initial phase of an evaluation involves preparing an analysis design that aligns with the organisation's requirements, alongside defining zero measurements for relevant variables. These zero measurements establish a baseline, providing a current snapshot of the subject area. This baseline serves as a robust foundation for continuously assessing or later evaluating the impact of the initiative or project. Subsequently, the focus shifts to data collection, processing, and analysis of the gathered information. Finally, the emphasis lies in reporting and disseminating the collected data and insights in an actionable format, making the results easily comprehensible and conducive to practical implementation.

3. Segmentation Analysis

We undertake segment analysis when aiming for a deeper understanding of the target group we engage with. Employing both quantitative and qualitative methods, we delve into demographics, behaviours, needs, motivations, challenges, and more to explore and uncover insights about the target audience. 

To engage closely with the target group, we utilise various tools. Conducting data analyses serves as an initial step, providing insights into which segments merit further investigation while offering an understanding of their behavioural patterns. Additionally, we conduct interviews with the target group, observe their daily activities, and create user journeys to gain insight into their specific experiences or processes. 

The final deliverable of a segment analysis often contains a number of Comprises outlined personas representing ideal user types for the segment, as well as illustrated user journeys, which detail the users' experiences from start to finish, and what an improved ideal user journey might look like. 

4. Market Analysis

We conduct a market analysis when we aim to gain insights into whether a particular product or service holds relevance within a market or industry.

A market analysis entails a comprehensive evaluation of a specific industry's market. This involves studying the dynamics of the market, including aspects such as volume and value, potential customer segments, purchasing patterns, competition, and other significant factors.

Market analyses are frequently merged with segment analysis to acquire a comprehensive understanding of both the market and the target audience.

Please call us or send us a note if you want to know more

Anna Hjerresen Schuppli: +45 51 38 74 04 or ahs@goodcompany-cph.dk