Create meetings with value and meaning

Can facilitation support greater and better understanding between people? Can it help develop increased dialogue, closer cooperation, stronger communities, and improved results? Yes. When it’s done well, facilitation can achieve all this – and more. Studies show that we spend a good 60% of our working time in meetings. As facilitators of meetings, it’s our responsibility to ensure this time is spent meaningfully and to create value.

When we facilitate meetings, workshops, courses, webinars, and events, we therefore play an important role. Whatever the agenda – major political processes, conflicts within a management team, or seeking agreement on the next step in the project plan – facilitation is a vital contributor to greater understanding, community, and cooperation.

What We Do

At Good Company, we are practitioners with many years of experience in leading and facilitating meetings, workshops, training, and small and large events. Our priorities are simple: knowing what works when we facilitate for our customers, and helping you to master this useful and powerful craft yourself.

Regardless of your role or where in the organisation you are located, being able to facilitate good conversations, meetings, and interactions between people is always important. In fact, in our experience it’s the most valuable tool there is for generating results in organisations and dealing with complex challenges and problems. 

At Good Company, we love to facilitate, as we are constantly learning new things about ourselves, people, dynamics, and collaboration, and are thus constantly getting better at helping people and organisations to create meaning and value. We are on a mission to help organisations to facilitate even better meetings and workshops, which go on to contribute to greater understanding, community, and cooperation between people. 

Please call us or send us a note if you want to know more