Our approach to DEI is multifaceted and tailored to your unique needs:

1. Assessment and Strategy: We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your organisation's current DEI landscape. This informs a custom-tailored strategy that aligns with your business objectives.

2. Education and Training: We offer DEI training programs, workshops, and resources to empower your team with the knowledge and skills necessary to create an inclusive environment.

3. Inclusive Leadership: We work closely with your leadership team to develop inclusive leadership practices. This includes coaching and mentoring to ensure they champion DEI initiatives from the top.

4. Policy and Culture Shift: We assist in the development and implementation of DEI policies and practices, driving a culture shift that reflects your commitment to equity and inclusion.

5. Metrics and Accountability: We help you establish meaningful DEI metrics and accountability mechanisms. Tracking progress and making data-driven decisions are essential for lasting change.


We view DEI as a collective effort. We partner with you to create a workplace where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered. Together, we can drive positive change not only within your organisation but also in the wider world.

DEI is not only a matter of social justice; it's a strategic imperative. Companies that embrace DEI benefit from a more engaged workforce, improved decision-making, increased innovation, and enhanced reputation.

It's a win-win for both employees and the bottom line.

Diversity and Inclusion at a Danish University - Client Case

A Danish University wished to support their managers in creating a diverse and inclusive culture by increasing their awareness of their own biases and strengthening their facilitation skills. This included ensuring that all organisation leaders were trained in inclusive facilitation of processes, meetings, workshops, and committee groups.

Tailored to the Challenges and Needs of Faculties

We helped design playbooks and materials for workshops within four university departments. They all had the same overall goal, but varied in content, methods, and discussions to address each faculty’s unique challenges and requirements.

The first and second workshops focused on bias-conscious leadership and bias in meetings. The third workshop centred on the facilitation of inclusive processes in times of transition, as well as managing reactions to changes such as mergers and budget cuts. The fourth workshop looked at general approaches and tools for facilitating inclusive processes.

Why Work with Us?

All the faculties said that the workshop provided them with useful perspectives on how to work with their inclusive processes and meetings. Similarly, the programme taught them new methods for involvement with an inclusive mindset, as well as for managing and leading democratic processes.

Please call us or send us a note if you want to know more

Solveig Hvidtfeldt Larsen: +45 26 85 27 25 or solveig(at)goodcompany-cph.dk