We believe strategies should be crafted based on what we already know...

...what we would like to achieve, and with a plan for the unforeseen. The continuous process of strategy-making is not about changing direction every week, it is about being devoted to having strategic discussions every day. 

We craft strategies and think of strategy-making as a continuous process...

...that generates a living and dynamic plan. 
In an ever-changing world we must consider possible scenarios and have a continuous approach to strategy development. The world evolves at a rapid pace, no markets are stable, and it is a complex task to forecast the future.

We must keep strategy front and centre in what we do and why we do it

It is about navigating the spaceship towards the chosen end-destination and being constantly aware that we cannot foresee all challenges and obstacles throughout the journey.

We help organisations set ambitious aspirations and goals...

...for where they want to take their spaceship.
In that process we map how to get there, what needs to change, and how we will navigate when unexpected events happen. Together with you, we set direction and plan for the unknown.

Strategy Process for a Danish Association of Industries - Client Case

An engaging strategy process for the members of the industry association

The association needed to formulate a new strategy for the upcoming four-year period. To ensure the strategy was as current and relevant to the organisation's members as possible, they wanted to involve representatives from all member organisations in the process and had a specific request to use the Methodology framework from Playing to Win, which we helped design and facilitate.

The three Workshops:

Workshop 1, the Winning Aspiration, aimed to define the ambition for the organisation as an industry association, including the specific goals and challenges that the strategy should address.

Workshop 2, Where to Play, aimed at defining which areas the organisation should focus their core business on based on the Winning Aspiration, and how to be successful in relation to this aspiration while considering members needs and desires.

Workshop 3, How to Win, focused on outlining specific activities to be initiated to fulfil the strategy, as well as the required competencies to be developed in the organisation and possibly also in the member organisations. Finally, the purpose of the workshop was to define the measurements needed to monitor the ongoing implementation of the strategy.

Outputs from all three workshops were compiled into a final comprehensive strategy.

Why Work with Us?

Upon completion of the strategy process, the organisation highlighted the positive impact of having an external, neutral, and impartial party to design and facilitate its progression. For them, it made the process far more professional, and at the same time, the participating member organisations expressed that it reinforced the experience that everyone had a voice, that their input was equally important, and that there was no hidden agenda.

Please call us or send us a note if you want to know more