Circular Work

To meet the increased amount of complexity and information in our every day, we try to optimise our time, organise our lives more efficiently, increase our flexibility and even use our leisure time to fit it all in. Despite these efforts, it is not a given that the pressure we feel is reduced. 

Conflict Management

At Good Company, we are dedicated to helping organisations and individuals effectively address and resolve conflicts, turning negative situations into opportunities for growth, learning, and improved relationships.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are deeply committed to fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in every facet of your organisation. We understand that DEI is not just a checkbox; it's a journey toward creating a more equitable and vibrant workplace that reflects the rich tapestry of our world.

Facilitation & Workshop Design

We design customised facilitation training for organisations that wish to create more impactful meetings and workshops.


We see feedback as a culture that needs to be developed and trained in all organisations. If we want to learn and grow as individuals as well as an organisation, we need to be able to give and receive feedback with an appreciative approach. 

Leadership & Team Development

We are inspired by the humanocracy thought that helps breaking down top-down bureaucracies in order to promote passion, creativity and adaptable humans in organisations. The good leader has to let go of control and become a master of facilitating meetings, dialogues and touchpoints with the employees.

Learning in organisations

We design blended learning journeys that goes beyond classroom training and are supported by virtual platforms and online tools. We build learning academies and train the trainer programs.


We design, develop, and implement organisational change and transformation. Whether it is behavioural change or larger more structural change in the organisation.

Project Management

We are curious, inquisitive, analytic, creative, pragmatic, and skilled project managers.

Strategic Development

We design and develop strategies in close collaboration with the organisations we work with. We strive to set an ambitious strategic direction based on the organisation’s capabilities and future possibilities.